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Fill us with your love, O Lord, and we will sing for joy!

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*Note the change in our daily Mass schedule due to Fall Break!
  • Sunday Mass
    • 11:00 am in Goodson Chapel (coffee & donuts to follow)
    • 2:00 pm Spanish Mass at the Falcone Arena House (meal to follow)
    • 8:00 pm in Duke Chapel
  • Confession
    • Sunday at 10:00 am in Goodson Chapel
    • Sunday at 7:00 pm in Duke Chapel
    • Wednesday at 8:00 pm in Goodson Chapel (during Adoration)
    • Thursday at 4:00 pm in the Quad between Kilgo & Craven
  • Adoration
    • Wednesday at 8:00 pm in Goodson Chapel
  • Daily Mass
    • Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday at noon in Memorial Chapel (in Duke Chapel)
*Be sure to subscribe to our Google Calendar to see all our events and changes to Mass times.

Build your resume with non-profit management skills before leaving Duke

If you qualify for Duke or Federal Work Study, you could be the next DCC Work Study!

Our Development team is looking to fill two exciting positions at the DCC. Both positions will provide you with essential skills and knowledge transferrable to any not-for-profit organization. Additionally, there are Work Study openings in music ministry, office management, and event coordination. 


"Civic engagement is part of the task of discipleship. It is part of the vocation of all God's faithful who are called by Jesus to be the 'salt of the earth' and the 'light of the world.'" - Bishop Andrew H. Cozzens

You can find resources from Duke Votes to help you cast your ballot in this year's election, whether in North Carolina or your home state:

Before you vote your conscience, you must first make sure your conscience is properly formed. The United States Conference of Catholic Bishops outlines steps on how you can form your conscience in preparation.


Join us Monday, November 4, for Mass at 12 noon in Memorial Chapel. The DCC community will gather to pray for our country, our leaders, peace, and unity. *no political discourse or apparel, please*

"In the Lord’s Prayer, we petition, 'Thy Kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven.' The Gospel message does indeed draw us ultimately to eternal life on high with the Lord, but it also has real-world implications here below. If we Catholics don’t involve ourselves in the political process, as messy as that often is, we permit Catholic social teaching to remain a set of harmless abstractions."  - Bishop Robert Barron



Join the DCC from November 2-3 for Duc in Altum, our annual Fall Retreat. This overnight retreat is the perfect opportunity to take a short pause, be refreshed in prayer and community, and be strengthened in Christ to take on the rest of the semester. Find all the information & how to register in the DCC App or click here.

The cost is $25 per person, which covers all transportation, meals, and supplies, and financial aid is available to those who need it - just reach out to our campus minister, Monica Cronin.

Have you been thinking about becoming a Catholic? Or perhaps you grew up Catholic but never received the sacrament of Confirmation. We encourage you to check out our OCIA (Order of Christian Initiation of Adults) program. We will pair you with one of our catechists for a time of inquiry and spiritual growth. Signing up does not mean that you have to be baptized or confirmed. Please contact Fr. Nicholas to get started!

Looking for a resource for your personal prayer life? The Better Part: A Christ-centered Resource for Personal Prayer is designed to help you engage more actively in the quest of Christian meditation. Each entry includes a passage from the Gospels and a four-part commentary based on the same four themes. 

Find the reflection for each Sunday's Gospel in the DCC App, along with a host of other resources for your personal prayer life. You can find our app in the Google Play or Apple App Store - search for Duke Catholic.

Looking for a place to set your faith on fire over winter break?! Join the DCC at SEEK!

SEEK is a four-day event for Catholic college students where we come together to experience encounter with Jesus, authentic community, personal transformation, and so much fun! We will be taking a big crew of Duke students to Washington, D.C to encounter Jesus Christ in the sacraments, to hear from world-renowned Catholic speakers, to meet thousands of faithful Catholics at other schools across the East coast, and to listen to some great entertainment at this annual conference.

We would love for you to join us from January 2-5, 2025 in DC! Please reach out to any of the FOCUS missionaries if you have questions (Mary Wilson: 901-626-0015). Check out this link to learn more and register today:


The Synod on Synodality: Theology, Reception, and Ecumenical Challenges | Tuesday, October 22 | 7:30 pm - 9:00 pm

The Synod on Synodality is an initiative of the Catholic Church aimed at fostering a more inclusive and participatory Church. Convened by Pope Francis in 2021, it is a multi-year process that seeks to engage all members of the Church—laypeople, clergy, and religious alike—in a deep reflection on how the Church can better listen, dialogue, and collaborate at all levels. In anticipation of the closing of the Synod on Synodality on October 27, the Fons Vitae Initiative at Duke Divinity invites you to join a webinar to explore the theology of synodality, the local reception of synodality, and the prospects and challenges of ecumenical participation in the Synod on Synodality. Register for the Webinar here.

Keys to the Kingdom of Heaven: The Foundations of the Sacrament of Penance | Tuesday, October 29 | 6:00 p.m.

Join the Thomastic Institute for a lecture by Fr. Dominic Langevin, OP entitled "The Keys to the Kingdom of Heaven: The Foundations of the Sacrament of Penance" in Westbrook 0014 in the Divinity School.



Tips to Pray the Rosary Daily

As we continue to highlight the powerful prayer of the Rosary this month, we offer these ten 'tips' for bringing the Rosaray into your everyday prayer life. These tips were curated by our Communications Work Study student and adapted from the Archdiocese of New Orleans website.

  1. Carry a Rosary (or Rosary ring!) in your pocket.

  2. Say the Rosary while you wait: for the C1, for your Mobile Order, for your professor to email you back.

  3. Recite the Rosary while doing chores or while you work out at Wilson/Brodie.

  4. Listen to worship music or watch a meditative video – the Rosary is a contemplative prayer.

  5. If you are upset, pray for the situation that worries you.

  6. Pray while you walk to class or throughout the Duke gardens and think about the people in your life.

  7. Use each mystery to ask for a specific intention.

  8. If you can’t pray the whole Rosary at once, break it into parts. You can use these as a study break, between classes, or at various times throughout the day.

  9. Say the Rosary in moments of sadness or spiritual drought.

  10. Say the Rosary to relax and meditate before sleeping.

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Duke Catholic Center
Box 90976
Durham, NC 27708

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