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It's Family Weekend at Duke! 💙

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*Note the above change in Sunday Mass times due to Family Weekend!
  • Confession
    • Sunday at 8:00 am in Goodson Chapel
    • Sunday at 7:00 pm in Duke Chapel
    • Wednesday at 8:00 pm in Goodson Chapel (during Adoration)
    • Thursday at 4:00 pm in the Quad between Kilgo & Craven
  • Adoration
    • Wednesday at 8:00 pm in Goodson Chapel
  • Daily Mass
    • Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday at noon in Memorial Chapel (in Duke Chapel)
    • Tuesday at 12:45 pm hosted by Fons Vitae in the Divinity School (0014 Westbrook)
*Be sure to subscribe to our Google Calendar to see all our events and changes to Mass times.

Are you being called to leadership?

Student Director applications are being accepted until Thursday, October 31 at 11:59 pm!

Not sure what a Student Director does or why you should apply? Click here to listen to Thomas Henry, sophomore and DCC Mens Chair, on what being a student director has meant to him this year. You can also read the Student Director Job Descriptions here and send any questions you might have to our Campus Minister, Monica Cronin.

Spend time away to strengthen your faith

Our fall retreat, Duc in Altum, is the perfect opportunity to take a short pause and recommit to your prayer life

YOU are invited to join us November 2-3 for an overnight retreat to be refreshed in prayer and community. The cost is $25 per person, which covers all transportation, meals, and supplies (financial aid is available to those who need it!).

Discover what's new in the Duke Catholic App!

Available for free downloading in the Apple Store & Google Play Store

Students and Duke Catholic Center friends will find useful resources now loaded in the Duke Catholic App - from an easy-to-follow Guide for Confession and weekly Scripture Reflections to signups for retreats and service opportunities - and much more! The app is always being updated, so be sure to stay up to date and take advantage of all that the DCC has to offer you digitally.


FAH-lloween returns to East Campus

Pumpkin carving, dinner & costume contest included!

Join us at the FAH (402 N Buchanan Blvd) for FAH-lloween on Thursday, October 31 from 6-9 pm for our annual FAH-lloween celebration. All are welcome!

It's SEEK Week! Looking for a place to set your faith on fire over winter break?! Join the DCC at SEEK!

SEEK is a four-day event for Catholic college students where we come together to experience encounter with Jesus, authentic community, personal transformation, and so much fun! We will be taking a big crew of Duke students to Washington, D.C, to encounter Jesus Christ in the sacraments, hear from world-renowned Catholic speakers, meet thousands of faithful Catholics at other schools across the East Coast, and listen to some great entertainment at this annual conference.

We would love for you to join us from January 2-5, 2025, in DC! Sign up by October 29 for the lowest price. Please get in touch with any of the FOCUS Missionaries if you have questions (Mary Wilson: 901-626-0015). Check out this link to learn more and register today:

Two opportunities to travel with the DCC this Spring and Summer

Join an interest meeting after Mass on November 10 to learn more! 

The DCC will return to Mision Maya this Spring Break, partnering with the NC State Catholic Campus Ministry, to volunteer with a building project. Students are also invited to join us for a Summer Pilgrimage to walk the Camino de Santiago during May. Join us after Mass on November 10 for more information about the Mision Maya trip at 12noon and the Camino de Santiago trip at 1:00 pm. 


The Synod on Synodality: Theology, Reception, and Ecumenical Challenges | Tuesday, October 22 | 7:30 pm - 9:00 pm

The Synod on Synodality is an initiative of the Catholic Church aimed at fostering a more inclusive and participatory Church. Convened by Pope Francis in 2021, it is a multi-year process that seeks to engage all members of the Church—laypeople, clergy, and religious alike—in a deep reflection on how the Church can better listen, dialogue, and collaborate at all levels. In anticipation of the closing of the Synod on Synodality on October 27, the Fons Vitae Initiative at Duke Divinity invites you to join a webinar to explore the theology of synodality, the local reception of synodality, and the prospects and challenges of ecumenical participation in the Synod on Synodality. Register for the Webinar here.

Keys to the Kingdom of Heaven: The Foundations of the Sacrament of Penance | Tuesday, October 29 | 6:00 p.m.

Join the Thomastic Institute for a lecture by Fr. Dominic Langevin, OP entitled "The Keys to the Kingdom of Heaven: The Foundations of the Sacrament of Penance" in Westbrook 0014 in the Divinity School.

Together We Thrive:
Help Sustain Our Faith Community

You might think, "I don't have enough to give."But giving isn't just for those with steady incomes—it's an opportunity to grow in trust and commitment to God and our faith in Him, even as students. 

The Duke Catholic Center isn't like a typical parish with families supporting it every week, and the DCC is not funded by the university or the diocese. In fact, over 85% of our funding comes directly from individual contributions made by students, parents, and alumni. 

Whether it's $5, $10, or the price of your weekly coffee, a regular weekly or monthly financial commitment shows your love for this community and keeps it thriving for all of us! Let's join together in intentional giving and make an impact today.
Duke Catholic Center
Box 90976
Durham, NC 27708

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